You're not taking her.
No, no, this is not
a thing I'm interested
in talking over with...
She's not going with you,
and that's final.
I hear the words
"that's final" come
out your mouth ever again...
they truly will be.
This boat is my home.
You all are guests on it.
Now, I earned my passage,
And it's time...
your little sister learned
from your example.
I have earned my passage...
treating bullet holes,
knife wounds, laser burns.
Some jobs are more
interesting than others.
And you want to put my sister
in the middle of that.
Didn't say "want. "
Said "will. "
It's one job, Doc.
She'll be fine.
She's a 17-year-old girl.
A mentally
traumatized 17...
She's a reader.
Sees into the truth
of things.
Might see trouble
before it's coming.
Which is of use to me.
And that's your guiding star,
isn't it? What's of use.
Honestly, Doctor,
I think we may really
crash this time anyway.
Do you understand
what I have gone through...
to keep River away
from the Alliance?
I do, and it's a fact
we here have been courteous...
enough to keep
to our own selves.
Are you threatening to...
I look out for me and mine.
That don't include you
less I conjure it does.
You stuck a thorn
in the Alliance's paw.
That tickles me a bit.
But it also means
I got to step
twice as fast to avoid them...
and that means
turning down plenty of jobs.
Even honest ones.
Put this crew together with
the promise of work...
Which the Alliance makes
harder every year.
Come a day there
won't be room
for naughty men like us...
to slip about at all.
This job goes south,
there well may not be another.
So here is us,
on the raggedy edge.
Don't push me,
and I won't push you.
Zoe, Wash gonna straighten
this boat out before
we get flattened?
Like a downy feather, sir.
No one flies like my mister.