You son of a whore.
I'm a hair's breadth...
from riddling
you with holes, Doctor.
One simple job!
She'll be fine!
She is fine!
Except for being still crazy,
she's a picture of health!
Wasn't for River,
we'd probably be left there.
She felt them coming.
Never again.
You understand me?
Seems I remember a talk about
you giving orders on my boat.
Well, we're off your boat.
Just as soon as River
gets her share of the bounty.
Let's not do anything hasty...
No, shiny!
We'll be on Beaumonde
in 10 hours' time...
you can pick up your earnings
and be on your merry.
Meantime, you do your job.
Patch up my crew.
He didn't lie down.
They never lie down.
No, I think things will glide
a deal smoother for us...
without River
and Simon on board...
but how long
do you think they'll last?
Doc made his call.
They's as babes in a basket
when we took them in.
We sheltered them plenty.
Man has to cut loose,
learn to stand on his own.
Like that man back in town?
I had to shoot him.
What Reavers would've done
before they killed him...
I know.
That was a piece of mercy.
But before that,
him begging us
to bring him along.
We couldn't take the weight.
Would've slowed us down.
You know that for certain?
Mule won't run with five.
I should've dumped the girl?
Or you? Or Jayne?
Oh, Jayne...
You could've
tossed the payload.
Tossed the...
Zoe, I got bits falling
off my ship, I got
a crew ain't been paid...
and, oh, yeah, a powerful need
to eat sometime this month.
We tell Fanty and Mingo
we skunked the job...
what do think
they'll do to us?
We're close to gone out here.
We get a job,
we got to make good.
Sir, I don't disagree
on any particular point.