
Shepherd Book said
they was men who just...

reached the edge of space,
saw a vasty nothingness...

and went
bibbledy over it.

Oh, hell.
I've been to the edge.
Just looked like more space.
I don't know.
It can get awful lonely
in the black.

Like to get addlepated
ourselves, we stay
on this boat much longer.

Captain will drive
us all off, one by one.

Just like Simon and River.
Just like Inara.
Kaylee, are you ever going
to put that capture down?

We got to have records
of everything, Inara.

A bona fide companion
entertained clients
on this very ship.

In this very bed.
Well, I can't do my work here.

And I don't think
the Captain approves.

The Captain
wants you to stay...

That man doesn't
know what he wants.
I don't have time to...

Don't talk to the barkers,
talk to the captains.

You look the captain
in the eye.
Know who you're dealing with.

I wish there was...
You shouldn't
ought to be so clean.

It's a dead giveaway
you don't belong,
you always got to be tidy.

Don't pay anybody in advance.
And don't ride in anything
with a Capissen 38 engine...

they fall right
out of the sky.

