Terraforming didn't hold,
or some such.
Few settlers died.
Was it right before the war?
I had to show them.
I didn't know if you were
going to make me sleep.
You could have asked.
Wait a tick, yeah.
Some years back,
there was call for workers
to settle on Miranda.
Daddy talked about it.
Nothing about it...
on the Cortex.
History, Astronomy,
it's not in there.
Half of writing history
is hiding the truth.
There's something
on that rock the Alliance
doesn't want known.
That's right at the edge
of the Burnham Quadrant,
Furthest planet out?
It's not that far from here.
Whoa. No. No. Honey...
That's a bad notion.
...you show them the bad.
I got it, baby.
This is us, at Haven,
and here's Miranda.
All along here,
that empty space in between,
that's Reaver territory.
They just float out there,
sending out raiding parties.
Nobody ventures there.
Not even the Alliance.
You go through that,
you're signing up
to be a banquet.
I'm on board with our standard
run-and-hide scenario.
And we are just about...
Doesn't look like Reavers.
Shepherd Book?
Get the Doc.
Don't move.
Won't go far.
Shouldn't have been you.