Sin City

God, I got to tell you, I'm good and bushed
It's not that fight of our that did me in either
It's all that sawing and tying
It's not as easy as it looks
It could've been a real mess around here if I didn't have that tubing for... turniquettes
I got to admit... there was a spurt or 2
You get the scent in the air. To get that friend of yours to come running
Well, what do you know. Look who's here
Here he comes
That's a good dog
He doesn't scream. Not even when the mutt's had its fill
and Kevin's guts are lying all over the place
but somehow the bastard is still alive, still staring at me
Not even when I grab the saw and finish the job
He never screams
I put in a call to Katie's and ask Nancy to get her clothes on and meet me at her place
