Sin City

Your skin is perfect
Your nerves... responsive
Just give them what they want, Gail
It's over, Gail. There's no fighting them
Dwight's dead. They got's what's left of that cop we killed
The mob's going to turn it over to the police chief, the cops are going to mow us down. We got to cut a deal
You little bitch. You sold us out
I didn't have no choice
They was going to hurt my mom
It selfish, you holding out like this. You're going to get a lot of girls killed for no good reason
It wasn't your mom. We could've protected her, and you know it
It was the money, you stupid little bitch
Sure there is money. Sure you could've moved my mom into Old Town and let her know that her own goddamn daughter is a whore
-Break's your heart
-Doesn't it

They offered me what you couldn't never offer me
I had to watch out for my own neck
You're neck. You're precious, scrawny, little neck
You're crazy. You could've ripped my throat out, you crazy whore
Schutz, fetch my blades
Stuka, kill this one
No, I was promised
Stupid little bitch. You deserve worse
I knew there was a reason I got out of bed this morning
Hey... hey
Nobody, I don't see nobody
Could we look at that? It's right through me. Guys, look
There's somethign wrapped around it
Some kind of note
Give it to me
