Sin City

You blew my son's ear off
Blew his arm off, you even blew his nuts and his pecker off
He's in a coma right now, they say he may never come out of it
My boy. He could've been the first Rourk to become the president of the United States, but you had turned him into a brain damaged dickless freak
Pulling that trigger make you feel powerful?
Power don't come from a badge, or a gun
Power comes from lying
Lying big and getting the whole damn world to play along with you
Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you get them by the balls
There's what, maybe 500 people in this hospital
I could pump you full of bullets right now and I wouldn't be arrested
Everyone would lie for me, everyone who counts
Otherwise all their own lies, everything that runs Sin City, it all comes tumbling down like a pack of cards
But I want you firm, fit, and healthy
I'm even putting up cash of my own to get you more surgery. Fix that... heart condition of yours
You're going to keep living a long time, I'm going to make sure of that
You're going to be convicted of raping that little brat
And shooting my boy
Your wife. You tell her the truth, and she's dead
You tell anybody the truth, and they're dead
They won't let testify
I told the cops that you saved my life and they just (???) like I was crazy
