Sin City

Sorry, I got a little rattled
It's OK. You did great. Sit tight. I'll be right back
No. Let me stay close
Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you
Please? Let me stay close?
The stink. I almost gag
His blood smells even worse than he does
And it's all over the place
But the creep, himself... he's gone
We're out of time
Sirens. I used to welcome the sound
There's nothing to do now but find a place to huddle up for the night
Get Nancy to calm down and figure out what on Earth I'm going to do next
The stink. Somehow it stays with us all the way to the hotel
Nancy, I went to your apartment. Your windows thrown wide open
The rooms looks almost empty. That's why I'm sure you'd been kidnapped
My window? Robbed again? That's the 3rd time this year
I swore if I ever saw you again, I'd show you I grew up strong
There I was just like before, scared and helpless
-I'm such an asshole
-You should sit down. You'll feel a little bit better if you sit down

I've never been all that good with people
When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19 year old...
I'm as expert as a Paulsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench
It's always been you, Hartigan
All these years
It's just nerves making you say that
I'm just exhausted. I need to sleep
-Sleep with me
-Stop it, Nancy

8 years. Why do you think I kept writing you those letters
It wasn't just gratitude
