Sin City

There's still a chance, Nancy
Don't scream
I ditch the car a mile or so from the Farm and make my way through the woods
I'm not half way there when it hits
My heart
It can't be my heart. I was cured
Bad cough
Blood in it. Doesn't matter now
I don't have to stay alive that much longer anyway
Rotten way to kill a man
But it's quiet
Hate yourself later
You're only making it worse for yourself, you stupid cow!
Don't you think I'm tired? Is that it? You think I'm getting tired?
You're the one who's going to crack. You'll crack!
You'll cry and beg
You'll scream
Oh yeah, you'll scream, you big fat ugly cow. You'll scream
You thinking the whip is the best I could do?
That was foreplay
Hartigan was right about you. You can't get it up unless I scream
You're pathetic
That's not wise at all to make fun of me like that
