Sin City

You goddamn bastard. You goddamn coward
Baby, we're all here to have a good time
Got to take a leak
Wish you dropped by earlier, Jackie Boy. Then you could've met my boyfriend. Could've seen what a real man looks like
There you go. After my nuts again
But I forgive you. I'm a generous guy
He is generous. With temper of his, you never should've picked on him like you did
You don't have to. You don't have to worry about it
Shut up and keep your hands to yourself or I'll cut your little pecker off
I've been told
Hey, baby. I don't hear you making those calls
Answer me
Oh, I don't need this grief
Hi, I'm Shellie's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind
You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman
You're making a big mistake, man. A big mistake
Yeah? You already made a big mistake, yourself
You didn't flush
