At 1 4:00, lunch.
From 1 5:00 to 1 6:00, a nap.
After 1 6:00, time for private thought,
as well as for writing.
His Highness has to urgently answer
his son's letter.
And if the Americans should show up here,
what will happen to the day's schedule?
Will you make some changes,
or leave it as it is?
As long as one Japanese is left alive,
the Americans will never set foot here.
Especially after the humiliation
our people suffered in 1 924.
Ah, yes. . .
Your Highness,
now you have a meeting with the military.
It's just the same.
There is electricity!
It seems that everything is leading
to a situation
where the very last Japanese
may be myself.
Your Highness, please allow me to
comment that such a thing is outlandish.