Who's a happy baby?
Who's a happy baby?
Aw, Clare, he's amazing.
Honey, look at him.
They said he's very
alert for his age.
He's going to be
a genius
just like his brothers
and sisters.
Little Tommy's starting
Junior Mensa next week...
and Clancy just took
his first potty poop.
Oh, look. Honey, he just
took his first poop.
Good poop, Clancy!
Whoa, Captain Underpants,
watch your aim.
He's gonna need those.
- You okay?
- Yup.
Here. Mm-hmm.
So, when are you two gonna have
one for yourselves?
It's a boy.
And agirl!
- Twins?
- And another boy!
- Girl.
- Boy.
- Girl.
- Boy.
Girl, boy, girl, boy...
Okay, I'm just
gonna say it.
That was flat out
The mere mention
of the word "baby" and your throat
seizes up like
you swallowed Drano.
After seeing those kids,
Drano sounds like
a good option.
- Honey, just think...
- Yeah?
if we have a baby, you'll have someone
you can play video games with.
- Hey!
- You'll have someone you can relate to.
Okay, honey, look.
I know you're upset, okay?
- But can I ask you one question?
- What?