Son of the Mask

So, what do we do?
I want our child
to be proud of us,

both of us.
And if somebody asks that child,
"Hey, what does your mommy do?"

He's gonna say, "Oh, she's the managing
director of Apt Apparel."

They'll say, "Cool." When they say,
"What does your daddy do?"

They'll say,
"He's a-- he's a--"

Hey, boys and girls.
I'm Torpedo Tortoise!

¢Ü Here at Animagine,
your dreams come true ¢Ü

¢Ü There's so much fun here
for me and you ¢Ü

¢Ü Animagine inthe morning,

¢Ü If watching cartoons
is wrong ¢Ü

¢Ü I don't want
to be right! ¢Ü

And here's one for you.
Halloween party's
tomorrow night, homes.

- Got a costume?
- No.

Hey, maybe you could
go as a turtle.

Thanks, Chad.
I can't believe Chad
got promoted again.

When the executives look at me,
all they see is a tortoise.

Hey man, you want things
to change, you gotta make 'em change.

- You ever pitch to the top man himself?
- Daniel Moss? Hell no.

Well, then it's time
to man up, my road dog,

because there he is.
Oh my God.
He never eats lunch down here.

He's too busy being
an animation god!

Then it's fate, man.
You got to go over there

and say, "Yo, I am
Tim Avery and I've been slugging away

in this costume
for six months now

and I got an idea
for a show and you need to hear it."

Be aggressive, man.
If a bug bites you, bite him back!

Oh, you mean like you
have with Sylvia?

Shut up.
You know,
maybe I should.

- Should what?
- Just walk up to Daniel.

- I mean, he's just a guy, right?
- Right.

- What do I have to lose?
- You got nothing to lose, man!

- I'm gonna do it.
- Are you crazy?

Hey, Torpedo Tortoise.
