and I gotta get to work
before he helps me out of a job.
What do you think,
Double A?
Would you watch this, huh? Hey hon,
I know I've asked like a million times,
but you happen to see that mask I was
looking for, you know the wooden one--
Okay, a billion times, and no.
Why do you need it so badly?
I don't need it.
Who said I need it? Don't need it.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye. Say "Bye, Daddy."
Bye bye.
Bye bye. Here.
You want another one?
Okay, watch,
watch, watch.
"l want you to be
more like Thor."
Oh, what a jerk.
Oh hey!
It's my ear, nose and throat guy.
Odin thinks
he's so great.
Hello! No one even
worships you anymore.
I could have
been a doctor
if the SAT weren't
so culturally biased.
Now, let's see. Oh, "lnfectious
Diseases," that always cracks me up.
Maternity ward.
Okay, first I find
the magic baby,
then downstairs to the cafeteria
for some Jell-O brick.
Who do you have to sting to get some
answers in this place?
All right,
here we go.
Buckle up.
Oh, hold on tight.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Okay, baby, this
is gonna hurt you
more than it's
gonna hurt me.
Okay, let's start with...