- Okay, it's my turn.
- No, no. It's okay, sweetie. It's okay.
- It's-- it's my turn?
- He's asleep. He's asleep.
But, baby, can you go in
late to work today?
My office just called. Um, they're
sending me to New York for a week.
- Hey, where you going?
- I'm-- I'm sorry, Daniel.
My wife's gotta go out of town
for work. It's just a week,
but I have to take care
of the baby.
Hey, you gotta do the kid
thing, I understand.
Just unfortunate timing.
The network called,
they want to see our green guy
thing by the end of the week,
but I'll just put
Chad on it.
- I'm on it.
- What?
I said I need to be home,
as in my house,
but I didn't say
I couldn't work.
Line up the pitch.
I'm on it,
and I won't let
you down.
Cool. Try to give it that spark I saw
at the Halloween party.
I left all the phone numbers
on the refrigerator
and you need to give him a bath
before he goes to bed,
but don't get any water in his ears,
'cause he freaks out a little bit.
Um, and if he gets cranky,
you just put him in his car seat
and play the Baby Mozart CD, but don't
just pop him in front of the TV;,
it's gonna
make him stupid.
Um, uh, if you feel
like you're drowning,
just go see Betty down the
street. She has like 10 kids.
- Honey? Do I have to mash his bananas?
- Yeah?
- l-- l--
- Okay, you're gonna be fine.
Can I say goodbye?
Mommy loves you
so much.
And Mommy loves you too.
- Mommy, I can't do this.
- Huh? You can.
- I can't.
- You can.
Mommy. Honey, take him.
- Bye.
- Honey, take him.
- I love you.
- Honey, take him.
All right, Alvey.