Bam, bam, bam.
¢Ü Hello, my baby,
hello, my honey ¢Ü
¢Ü Hello, myragtimegal¢Ü
¢Ü Send me a kiss
by wire ¢Ü
¢Ü Baby, my heart's
on fire ¢Ü
¢Ü If you refuse me,
honey, you'll lose me ¢Ü
¢Ü Then you'll be left alone,
oh, baby, telephone ¢Ü
¢Ü And tell me
I'm your own. ¢Ü
¢Ü Everybody do
the Michigan rag ¢Ü
Every Mame and Jane
and Ruth... ¢Ü
¢Ü Stomp, romp,
pomp the Michigan ¢Ü
¢Ü Jump, clump, pump
the Michigan rag ¢Ü