Son of the Mask

That's it, buddy.
First I'm taking you to a pediatrician,

then I'm taking you
to an exorcist.

Who are you?!
Oh my G--
my son is the devil.
My son is the devil.

Oh my Odin,
it is him.

We're just going to have
a nice little drive,

while Daddy has
a nervous breakdown.

Please leave a message.
Tonya, it's Betty.
You said I should keep an eye out

and call you if there
are any problems?

I think there's a problem.
No parking there.
That's a handicapped zone!
Hey! Sir?
Hey, wait!
Stop! You!
What is it?
- Ah!
- Okay, where is the mask?

- What?
- The mask. My mask. Where is it?

What are you talking
about? Who are you?

I am Loki, God of Mischief.
Yeah, and I'm Tim, God of Crazy
Babyland. Will you get out of the way?

That baby is born
of the mask-- my mask.

- Now, where is it?!
- Born of the mask-- what?

Oh, so that explains why
he could pee like that!

But wait a minute.
This is my baby.

I don't care about that.
Just give me my mask!
