Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage

- she is NSDAP
- as your saying£¬Miss Scholl

The member of resist movement is everywhere
in Germany they all look like
have no interested in politics

It is good for your, is't it? Mr Mohr
As our counting,
this so called "white rose"...

bought ten thousand papers in Jan...
and two thousand envelops
- who did that?
- my brother and I

only hundruds of handbills
for the 1st to 4th.

it makes sense.
00:53:53,800 --> 00:53:56,394
But you wish I believe you two

copyed thousands of handills
for the 5 and 6th edition?

- then sent them out?
- we worked on them day and night.

I admire you£¬and you take class
at the same time?

yes£¬we were faking
there are lots of members

we knew£¬your brother£¬Graf£¬Schmorell
Furtw?ngler£¬and Wittenstein served
at eastern line before.

all the people got in university in Munich
any political movement between them?
My brother just told me
about innumerable death.

- but never talked about his comrade
- I don't believe you£¬Miss Scholl

At this period, everyone is careful
about their political speech.

Just like what you say in the handbill?
you found these address there?
copy from phonebook of German museum
