C-Zer had this little front.
He ran a chop shop
around the way...
made his money
off of running keys...
for that Dame nigga,
and, as you know...
everything Dame had,
I was takin'.
What's up, C-Zer?
So I made C-Zer an offer.
Remember I asked you, uh...
was you gonna
get down or lay down?
He refused.
I'm not tryin' to get down.
But I insisted.
Well, lay down, C-Zer.
About five times.
Unfortunately for C-Zer,
he lived.
Hard-head motherfucker.
but we took care of it, though.
On the night before the trial...
I sent Baby Boy and D-Nice
up to C-Zer's mom's crib.
We ain't got no sympathy
for you, old lady.
You could stop cryin'.
They showed her flicks
of the whole family...
addresses and all...
told her if her son
testified against me...
they was gonna tie her up
and make her...
watch them execute
their whole fuckin' family.
Call him! Get him
on the phone right now!
Shit, I don't know how
Baby Boy got them flicks...
but that old lady was shook.
That's all it took.
Dial it faster!
Can you identify the person...
who shot you five times
at point blank range?
Man, when the state wants you...
they play dirty!
Shit, I was tryin'
to be focused up.
Then they hit me
with this Spanish Fly...
this crazy-ass,
super-sexy-ass D.A.
I mean, this bitch was bad!
I ain't gonna lie.
I was open.
Shit, I was damn near ready
to convict myself.
Do you recognize
that man over there?
No, I'm fuckin with y'all, man.
I was focused.
Fuck that.
My life was on the line.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Do you recognize him? Please.
No, ma'am.
Let's have some quiet
in the courtroom now.
Order here!
Your Honor, this man
has perjured himself...
in front of the jury.
Counselor, order!