State Property 2

You cannot allow this!
He's lying!

That's enough, Counselor!

Do you recognize that man?
That's enough.
Answer me.
Do you recognize this man?
Do you know him?
I've never seen him
before in my life.

Order! Let's have some quiet
in the courtroom now!

Yeah. We got to him early.
This is unbelievable.
What are we gonna do?

Man, after two weeks of
bullshit evidence and sidebars,

they finally made
their decision.

Will the defendant please rise?
I was a little nervous.
We went head-up
with the judge...

but then, after C-Zer cracked...
I knew I had this thing on lock.
I hereby sentence you
to not less than 15...

nor more than 30 years at
the state correctional facility.

But you know what?
Man, he still pinned
the weight on me.

And, being a repeat offender...
man, the judge put me
under the jail.

Miss, please.
Perry put in an appeal
for me...

but, man,
that shit ain't look good.

And that was it. Game over.
In jail, you meet all kinds
of motherfuckers.

You can always tell
who done time...

by the look on their face.
Check out the white boy
right here.

He's definitely shook.
He's probably
a college dropout...

booked for credit cards
or something.

Now, this dude right here...
definitely a pedophile.


Here you got your car thief,
retail theft-ass nigga.

He can't stay out of Walgreen's.
He's probably down
for domestics...

or child support or some shit.
Look at him.
Him... he's too tough already.
