State Property 2

But Rover had a strong nose.
Figga deal me?

We got something here.
He got a taste
of El Plaga's finest!

What's this?
It's money.
That dog must have felt
like king of the world...

for about five seconds.
There's a lot of money
in these religious statues.

I think
I'm in the wrong business.

You should get a colonic.
I'll give you a fuckin' colonic.

Read these scumbags
their rights...

and get these pieces of shit
out of here.

All right, I want everything
bagged and tagged in here.

By the numbers!
Everything is dirty!

Bag and tag everything!
I lost 900 fuckin' grand.
El Plaga was pissed.
Philly was scared to touch him.
Free got an 8 to 10
on some prior shit...

and I lucked out
with a 3 to 6.

You ain't never find out
who ratted?

Nah, but when I do,
the whole familia lays down.

We got to get in line.
Fucking rat ass niggas, man.
You know, the only thing worse
than a fuckin' rat...

is a faggot.
Shit, at least
you got a hearing coming up.

I can't do shit
out this motherfucker.

I kind of think we could do
something to work that out.

I told you,
El Plaga ain't no joke.

Once he find out
I hit you with the brick...

and then you ain't snitched...
it could be good news
for the both of us.

So, what's up
with this El Plaga nigga?

What he got,
like, the D.A. Or something?

Don't worry about it.
Get your crew to help us out,
and he'll definitely look out...

put us both back in the game.
That's what's up, man.
Whatever you need, fam.
