...three: autopsy. Four:
the murderer's headwear
and dagger are in the laboratory.
Five: all exits from Moscow cordoned.
This is the end.
lt's a shame because l didn't deserve it.
l've never had problems here in Moscow.
That damned Khrapov.
May he rest in peace.
Mind, he didn't live to reach Moscow.
We have a call from Tsarskoe Selo.
- The Tsar?
- Prime Minister.
Yes, Sir.
Please, tell his Majesty...
No, it has never been my ambition
to occupy someone else's place.
lt depends on His Majesty,
and on the Lord Almighty.
What is unclear to you. Disconnection.
ln old times we used to handle these
problems ourselves.
Now we have telegraph, telephone.
A star of detective work general Pozharsky
is coming today.
Erast Petrovich, could we untangle at least
one thread before he arrives?
- There is such one thread.
- What do you mean?
l mean your humble servant.
The terrorists had been notified
a certain state councilor Fandorin
is in charge of the minister's security:
someone had described my appearance to them.
lt won't be hard to find the source.
We've four variants.
- We know three of them.
- l don't quite grasp you.