Statski sovetnik

Our people discussing
the details of this action.

Today at eight there will be a party
at Larionov's place.

With good luck, you will intercept
some illegal types.

Take this young lady!
Take this bearded uncle!
Gee, Bullfinch.
Never mind that.
Some tea maybe?
No, thanks, Semyon.
All right.
l'll be in my study, if you need me.
And feel at home.
Why at this jittery one's place?
Not at the engineer's place?
There was a signal he is not reliable.
ls this one reliable?
Why this tone?
We're doing our utmost. lt's a problem
to find an apartment with a telephone.
lt's Moscow, not too many telephones here.
Mister Aronzon is a sympathetic party.
Look, Needle,
this vengeance brigade
is the only revolutionary brigade.
Blabbermouths are many.
The three of us are the only real warriors,
all too precious.
- You lost?
- Emelya!

- Ace of spades was out!
- Just you wait!

Easy, easy!
l'll show you!
You mean they're spying on the engineer.

He is a provocateur.
There is no doubt about it.
Engineer llarionov, 28, Povarskaya Street.
That rat should be killed!
Let me take a walk, Grinya!
