Tut-tut, to kill such a big man
with a dagger.
...emblem of gendarmes is a white
for wiping tears.
Check the police staff, gendarmes,
railway stations.
Check all contacts, all circles.
Erast Petrovich, let us work together!
My precious one!
You're such a talent, such a bright head!
You and me together
will move mountains!
We're speaking not about Moscow here
- the whole Russia,
its future! The centre is here.
Petersburg is nothing. Their pale
- faced work:
there is no life there, no serious steps
being taken.
l don't mean our tsar, of course.
But all the rest are just goose
- fleshed necks
in white collars.
The centre is here,
Russia's heart, liver and guts are
in Moscow.
We'll give them a lavage,
adjust gastric processes.
l'm anything but a clyster-pipe.
Or, Mr. Mild Gentleman.
We're limbs of the law, even worse
than a clyster-pipe,
even worse than a nightman.
You know what we are?
Protectors of things good, l presume.
You've said a mouthful. Retrievers
of stolen things.
For many a year our ancestors
have been robbing their naive compatriots