Statski sovetnik

and head and soul. What was dirty
will become clean.

What did you say?
What was dirty will become clean.
Of course! To know what is dirty from
what is clean!

- The door-bell.
- the door is open.

So, ladies free to choose the code of dress?
You shoot from both hands,
don't leave them alive.

So, we will stand here?
l repeat once again:
you let the carriage and the guards
pass, l and Green make a short cut,
and you throw a bomb.
Try to reach home.
Then you run around the corner.
You two shoot from both hands,
don't leave them alive.
Meanwhile l and Green will do the rest.
Then we all will make ourselves scarce.
As easy as falling off a log.
We'll take three pounds,
one pound will be mine.

Three pounds - means 300 thousand?
Show me your disposition.
- ls this a bomb?
- An awful workshop!

Lots of dynamite, but only one fuse is fit!
You've beautiful hands, Green.
l appreciate men by their hands.
Face and figure is nothing,
