- Lieutenant Purcell.
- Honored to meet you, sir.
It will replace us all.
Looks and sounds
like science fiction, George.
Well, so did everything,
once upon a time.
Ain't that the truth.
Mr. Gannon.
Good to have you back.
Your first squadron tour still holds
some of the ship's most...
...impressive records.
Thank you, Captain Marshfield.
Records are made to be broken.
Rules too, if I remember
your philosophy.
Captain Cummings,
this is my X O, Mr. Carlson.
Why don't you meet me up on
the flight deck after you're through.
- You bet.
- Congratulations, George.
- Thank you.
- Good to see you again, Dick.
You too.
- It's humming.
- No, EDI's thinking.
- Thinking? Thinking about what, sir?
- You. All of you.
He's going over your files.
He's reviewing all your flight logs.
Let's take it for a spin,
see what it can do.
No, no, no. Tomorrow.
- First, you gotta do your homework.
- Homework?
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
"EDI UCAV. Extreme Deep Invader. "
Yeah, I've been called that
a few times.
- I've heard that one.
- Yeah, right.
Well, hello, gorgeous.
Please, no pictures, please.
No pictures, please. Please.
Okay, take them.
Take them. Take them.