
You didn't cheat, did you?
Cheating's not part
of my vocabulary.

Listen, I scheduled your jet
for a little maintenance.

I gotta get the bugs out of that radio,
don't you think?

It was a difficult situation
and I made a decision.

You made a mistake, Ben.
Sir, there's a thin line
between insubordination and...

No, no, no,
that's not the mistake you made.

Your mistake was getting competitive
with a machine.

I'm the point of the sword
up there, sir.

And I pulled it off, 100 over 100.
Yes, indeedy, and I congratulate you.
Calls have been coming in all night.

But that doesn't change the issue.
What is the issue, then?
- Would you like a cigar?
- Thank you, no.

- You sure?
- Fine, thank you.

Rolled on the thighs
of mulatto women.

What are you afraid of, Ben?
Being replaced? Is that it?
You afraid EDI's
gonna take your job?

No. No, to be honest with you...
...I just don't think war should become
some kind of video game.

And how do you feel
about black body bags?

What am I supposed to tell
all the weeping mothers?

We could've got the job done
without sacrificing their children...

...but no, we decided not to
because of what?

- Tradition?
- Not tradition, it's...

Look, we have things
those computers can never have...

:35:17 instincts and feelings
and moral judgment.

You can call me old-fashioned,
you can call it whatever you want...

...but I just don't think that in war...
...the action should ever be divorced
from the consequences.

You don't think I consider
the consequences...

...every time I send you up there
with bombs?

- I know you do, sir.
- I've dedicated my life...

:35:36 considering the consequences.
I got a bad feeling about this plane.
I don't know, I think it needs more...
I don't know, trials before it's ever
put in a combat situation again.

You been talking to Marshfield?
- Sir, you're my commanding officer.
- That's right.

And I guarantee you this thing will be
100 percent before I risk it in the field.

Look, Ben...
