I was the only one to defend you.
Now, let's go on home and quit flying
around like this. This is crazy.
Talon 3, leave me alone.
Leave you alone?
I'm trying to help you.
I'm right behind you, 3.
Got your back.
Talon 1 to Operator.
Talons 2 and 3 are flying at high risk.
Request permission
to destroy the UCAV.
I don't wanna hurt you or see billions
of taxpayers' dollars scattered all over.
But if you make me, I will blast your
aeroelastic ass right out the sky.
Your chances are less than
1 percent.
Come on. Come on, Operator.
Give me permission to kill it,
or I will make the decision myself.
Control, please respond.
Sir, you leave me no choice.
Okay, Henry. Weapons hot.
Weapons hot. Destroy the target.
I got my orders now, playboy.
Henry, you're too close.
You're too close.
Drop back! Drop back!
Missile lock, on.
Goodbye, EDI.
Henry, drop back!
You gotta drop back!
Goodbye, Henry.