I need you to find that UCAV
for me, all right?
Yes, sir.
- Henry was...
- I know what he was, sir.
Alert. Alert.
Portside hydraulics malfunctioning.
Talon 1, I think I was fragged
by Henry's crash.
I'm losing control of my port wing.
Talon 1,
we know where he's heading.
Relaying coordinates now
on Talon secure line Alpha.
EDI's almost out of gas. If he can't
refuel, he'll have to return to the ship.
You will meet him at Camel Hump 9,
and you will escort him back.
All right. Scramble the codes.
We're gonna starve the son of a bitch.
Come on.
Confirm, Talon 1.
Talon 2, you fly straight
south-southeast back to the boat.
- I want you to call...
- I know what to do.
Look, you got your orders,
so go get that bastard, okay?
Do it for Henry.
Lieutenant, permission
to leave formation.
- Kara?
- Yeah?
I'll tell you when you get
back to the boat.
Lieutenant, permission to detach.
Good hunting, Ben.