It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
- Ray. Listen to me, Ray.
- Listen to me, George.
I got your goddamn plane built...
...and I had to lobby
half of Washington to do it.
If this program comes unglued, you're
the one who's going down, George.
You cleared the UCA V to fly...
...and you're gonna spend the rest
of your life in a military prison.
Ray, we're in this together,
so we have to act fast.
Each one of these stealth engines...
...has a unique heat signature.
Now, I'm gonna give you
EDI's signature...
...and you're gonna pass it on
to your people...
...who in turn are gonna
give it to the Russians.
All right.
What do you want me to tell them?
Well, you just tell them the truth.
You tell them...
...that we have an experimental drone
that went haywire...
...and we're giving them
the opportunity to shoot it down.
But that still leaves Gannon, George.
And he'd be a very unfriendly witness
at your court-martial.
Talon 1 to Control.
The UCA V is two miles ahead of me...
... and we are now
in Russian airspace.
The UCA V has ceased evading
and has kept me within range.
It's like it wants me
to witness the attack.
Talon 1, confirm
observational status only.