The 40 Year Old Virgin

We get there,
and, you know, we think
it's gonna be awesome...

and it is not as cool
as it sounds like
it would be, man.

It's kind of gross.

You think,
"A woman fucking a horse"...

and you get there
and it's...

a woman fucking a horse.

It was really
giving it to her.

And you know what...
to be honest, I felt
bad for her. We all
just felt bad for her.

Kind of felt bad
for the horse.

Wow, that's something.
So what did you get up to?

You know, I just kind
of hung out. I was...

God, Friday,
when I went home...

I really wanted
an egg-salad sandwich.

And I was just obsessing
about it and I was like:

"Man, I'm gonna
make one of those."

So Saturday I went out
and I got, like,
a dozen eggs...

and I boiled them all
and then I just...

I spent, I don't know,
probably three hours...

like, three-and-a-half hours

you know, the mayonnaise
and the onions and paprika...

and, you know,
all the accoutrement.

And then, by the time
I was done...

I just really didn't feel
like eating it.

I can imagine.
And I didn't have any bread.

So, you know,
it was pretty good.
It was a good weekend.

Sounds pretty awesome.
Yeah, it was fine.

Sounds really fun.

Cool, cool.
Hey, Paula.

I gotta tell you something.
I'm really excited about it.

For the first time today,
I woke up...

I came to the store,
and I feel confident
to say to you...

that if you don't take
this Michael McDonald DVD...

that you've been playing
for two years straight, off...

I'm going to kill everyone
in the store...

and put a bullet
in my brain.

David, what do you suggest
we play?
I don't care. Anything.

I would rather watch
Beautician and the Beast.

I would rather listen
to Fran Drescher
for eight hours...

than have to listen
to Michael McDonald.

Nothing against him,
but if I hear Yah Mo B There
one more time...

I'm gonna yah mo
burn this place
to the ground.

You're such a smart ass.
Get back on the floor.
