Sharkboy was not alwayshalf shark, half boy.
He was a marine biologist -or, at least, in training.
His father studied great white sharks
and called his son "Sharkboy" because ofhow much he loved to care for the sharks.
He made them sushiand had given them all names:
Goodmilk, Peggy, Eggbat...
and Crackett.
But one dayan incredible, mysterious storm appeared.
It swept away the entire laboratory.
Thanks to their life rafts,Sharkboy and his father survived.
But they survivedon different sides of the wreckage,
each floating off in a different direction.
Sharkboy was completely alone.
Almost completely.
But one of the sharks recognized him.
Hey, it's Sharkboy.
Don't take a bite outta him, boys -he's a friend.
They took Sharkboy to their cave home,where he'd be safe and dry.
His new family were sharks.
Hundreds of sharks.
The sharks raised himas one of their own,
training him in the ways of the shark.
You must keep moving to survive.
Always go forward, never back.
To live by instinct and instinct alone.
Eventually he grew gills,and sharp talons for claws.
His teeth sharpened themselvesto a point.