I haven't seen one like that since 1953.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Rosie, don't make me
bloody well chase after you!
They're not guests. They're moving in!
They're guests
until we see how it works out.
- They brought everything.
- Everything of what?
They brought their lamps!
I've got to admit
those lamps were shocking.
It's just an experiment, Rosie.
Let's just try it for a while,
see how it works out.
God forbid, you might even end up
wanting them to stay.
You tricked me!
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
She's so regular.
Kathleen, her name is, by the way.
- That's the whole point. She'll take care...
- I took care of things!
No, we took care of things. Now I'm sick.
How long have you been lying to me?
How could you not have told me?
I didn't think you'd understand.
I don't.