Jack and Tyler back yet?
Not yet.
That's Tyler's unit. He found it.
Bastard did it again.
Jack's gonna be pissed.
He called time five minutes ago.
You don't have to say anything.
I know I was stupid, but... we got it.
Hey, I call time, and you surface.
- How's that? You got a signal there yet?
- Not yet, Strodey.
- And now?
- Yeah.
- Dr. Nicolai.
- Hello.
Hey. It's Jack.
- You got some good news?
- Yeah. I've got the funding.
You do? Really?
We've done the surface scans.
The cave is huge, Jack.
There is a river off the main cavern,
and there's nowhere it can come out
for at least 19 miles.
Sounds like the Amazon
of underground rivers, huh?
Dr. Jennings our biologist is bringing
a cameraman to shoot the whole thing.
But, you know, it's gonna be tough.
Which is why I need your team
and need you to run the show.
Great! When do we start?
We want to start right away.
We're in a hundred percent.
That's great, Jack.
I can't wait to see you here. Ciao!
- Thanks, Dr. Nicolai.
- Bye!