I'm just gonna go visit with a fellow scientist.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm Tyler McAlister. I'm the first scout.
One second.
- Do you mind if I...
- Sorry. Let me just move this for you.
- Dr. Jennings.
- It's good to meet you.
And this is Alex Kim our cameraman.
Oh, yeah. I've seen your work.
Heard a lot about you, too.
So, it's unusual for a rebreather.
- Who modified it?
- That would be my brother Jack.
- Really?
- Yep.
I did all the reprogramming, though.
Why the canister?
We're using lithium hydroxide
to filter out the CO2.
It's a little dangerous,
but it's much more effective than calcium.
Hope you got a redundancy for this Meg.
There's actually a triple redundancy.
It's the backup, a primary, and a HUD.
So you can stay submerged for what,
18, 20 hours?
Kate. Alex. This is Jack McAlister.
- Dr. Jennings.
- It's a pleasure.
We read about some of
your Yucatan expeditions. Pretty amazing.
Thank you, thank you.
I understand you have a great interest
in cave biology, Mr. McAllister.
I'm starting to.
- And it's just Jack, please.
- Kathryn.
- Perhaps you want to see some samples?
- Yeah, sure.
Hey, bro.
Double-check all the rebreathers, will you?
Yeah. One in 14.
One in 14?
It's the number of cave divers that die each year.
What's this?
It's all that's left of some poor guy
they found in the mouth of the cave.