I don't know. The mole is the largest animal
we've seen in this type of system.
Our friend here does prove
there's an abundant food supply.
Question is, is he at the top of the food chain,
or is there something else?
Strode could have just screwed up his mix.
Narcosis, hallucinations...
It happens. I mean, he panics,
he ruptures his scooter.
Whatever it was, it doesn't matter now.
Because right now our primary concern
is getting out of here alive.
Jack, this is the Carpathians.
We could spend an eternity
trying to find a way out.
If... there even is one.
Come on, Jack, we wait.
A rescue team will come for us.
Dr. Nicolai, we're a mile below the surface
and three miles in.
The best people to get us out
are all right here.
We are the rescue team.
Now, here's how it's gonna go. Top and I, we're
gonna start scouting for an exit immediately.
Now I'd recommend that you all get some rest.
You're gonna need it.
I never lost anybody, Top.
I don't like it, Mac. Something's not right.
No shit, buddy.
Narcosis my ass!
That's bullshit and you know it.
I'm not getting into this.
Why is that, Tyler? Because you forgot
to stick with your dive buddy?
You asshole! I had no idea...
Hey! You guys!
Hey! Stop it!
You guys, cut it out! Stop it!
Hey! We just lost a friend,
and this is how you deal with it?