Ah, shit. Hey, Top?
You mind backing up, bud?
Backing up.
Get the medical kit!
I got it!
What happened?
Ah, shit! Look at him. You all right?
Top, what do you need?
Tell me! What happened, Top?
- Found that hooked in his sling.
- What the hell is that?
- I cut it off.
- Did you get a look at it?
- It jumped me too fast.
- Hold still.
- Jesus, how big was it?
- It's big.
- How's it looking?
- Ripped you up good.
Need to put you on an antibiotic.
Give me a syringe!
You son of a bitch!
All right.
There's a... There's a resemblance
to amphibian tissue,
but these hair follicles would seem
to rule that out.
I mean, the only thing I do know -
this is definitely a predator.
So now we're part of the food chain.
We always have been.
Just forgotten that, living in cities.
Just reflexes. Don't worry.
- What is it?
- Without DNA testing, it's impossible to tell.
It may be something
We've never seen before.