Bo and Luke Duke.
Cousins closer than brothers.
Both big-hearted, strong-willed...
... and restless as a couple of cats
thrown into a swimming hole.
Nice driving, cuz.
- I won the bet, you son of a bitch.
- Oh, come on.
I didn't break any bottles,
so I won the bet.
- I was just joking about the bet.
- Oh, you were joking?
- Yeah.
- Still getting the phone book, though.
- Come on, double or nothing.
- Nope. Time to pay your debt, buddy.
Which side you want,
right side or left?
Did I hear one of your teeth break?
I don't remember the Hazzard
phone book being that thick.
This is Atlanta.
Bet was over. I can't believe that
happened. I mean, the bet was over.
- What are you doing?
- Where you want it?
- Oh, man.
- Where you want it?
That was a good one.
Right in the ball sack. God.
In case of dehydration.