It'll make you feel lots better.
- Light the son of a bitch.
- All right.
I feel good.
All right, y'all, knock off
the grab-assing over there.
What's going on, Uncle Jesse?
Guy come out of an antique shop
carrying a big grandfather's clock.
Bumped into this drunk,
broke the clock.
Guy said, "Why don't you watch
where you're going. "
The drunk says, "Why don't you carry
a wristwatch like everybody else. "
Know what happens
when you give a politician Viagra?
- No.
- He gets taller.
Here's another one for you.
How many Dukes does it take
to screw up a moonshine delivery?
Oh, yes, sorry about that,
Uncle Jesse. We...
Is that Rosco?
Wonder what
that fat sack of shit wants.
Come on.
We can skip the "Hi, how are you's. "
I'm here on official police business.
Right here, sheriff.
Oh, that's horseshit.
You planted that.
"By the power vested in me
by the County of Hazzard, Georgia...
...I hereby seize this property...
...for the crime of producing
and distributing moonshine. "
Now, Jesse,
we can do this the easy way...
...or, of course...
...there's that other way.
- Let's try the that other way first.
- Now, hold on. Wait.
Only way I'm leaving this farm
is in a wooden box.
Hi, Dukes.
Well, now.
Lookie there.