- You read that?
- That same article...
...mentioned that Budweiser
pays you over $ 100,000...
...to put their logo on your trunk.
- Look, Daisy...
...I'm not much of a reader.
- Boss Hogg's face is sitting...
...on over $200,000 worth
of real estate.
Is that what he's paying you?
Oh, no, no, Daisy,
this race here is for charity.
Really? Which one?
Anal bifida.
Spinal bifida.
It's one of the bifidas.
Have I told you that you're as purty
as a Hazzard County sunset?
Have a good day, Mr. Prickett.
Lot of smart people out there.
Look out, Katie.
Hello. Hi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Oh, boy.
- Hi.
You don't think it's too late
to take them SATs, do you?
You gotta keep an open mind
in college.
This is it, Luke. I can feel it.
Hey, do you know
where Katie Johnson is?
I think she's in that room right there.