And apparently so do the fans.
Hey, shitheads! Listen up!
Everybody on their feet
for the warden.
Anthony, wow. You can sit down.
Thank God.
Gentlemen, Texas marshals
have been kind enough
to supply us with a dozen
of their finest sharpshooters.
So for those of you thinking
of mingling with the civilians
or trying to make a break for it,
you will be shot.
In the head.
Now, let's all go out there
and have some fun!
Crewe! I'll see you on the field!
I think he's in love with you.
All right, listen up.
I know it's hard to get psyched for
the game without Caretaker being here.
But somehow that sick,
skinny bastard
found a way to get us all fired up
from beyond the grave.
Caretaker's last gift to us.
Battle, I presume this is yours.
I still don't think that's big enough.
- That's it?
- No, that ain't it.
Caretaker said he'd find us
some gear to wear.
I think he found us a name too.
Mean Machine! Mean Machine!
Mean Machine! Mean Machine!
Good afternoon and welcome to a
very special edition of ESPN football.
As today, the semipro
Allenville Federal Prison guards
will be taking on the very prisoners
they guard.