l could whisper a simple suggestion
and have you step in front
of a speeding subway train.
l could force a neighbor
to hurl you down a flight of stairs.
l could put a baby in your belly that would
rip its way out of your womb in three days.
Then why don't you?
Because you can't.
Because there's something different
about me, isn't there?
Something that you can't handle.
You're right about
almost everything else,
except l will kill you
if l have to.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that,
for both our sakes.
lt's a nightmare.
A crazy dream.
Any minute
you're gonna wake up, Allison.
You're gonna wake up
and this whole thing is gonna be over.
Careful, Allison.
People might think you're crazy.
l love this park.
Perverts and lunatics everywhere.
l'm like a kid in a candy store.
(Allison) Something tells me you're not
out here trawling for new recruits.
Who knows?
Maybe l'm trawling for you.
l trust you got my message?
The one from the little girl?
(Allison) You didn't have to kill her.