God gave you the gift of reason.
Use it.
- Jealousy.
- Of whom?
Jealousy of those humans
who survive Armageddon.
Jealous that they'll be
the chosen ones,
the ones to restore humanity,
the ones most loved by God.
Loved even more
than the angels themselves.
So Stark's not interested in saving
the lives of billions of people.
- He just wants us all...
- Doing what you do best.
Degrading yourselves
in the eyes of your Lord.
- So that just leaves you, doesn't it?
- Mm.
- What's your agenda?
- Oh, l think you know what l want.
Of course.
You want Armageddon.
You get to snatch up
whoever doesn't make the final cut.
A billion corrupt new souls
dancing on my doorstep.
Hell looks to be a very busy place
in the next few years.
So by protecting the lexicon,
l'm doing the devil's work. Aren't l?
Sometimes the interests of heaven
and hell are not so very different, Allison.
Get used to it.
l'm still on my lunch break.
Which lasts how long, precisely?
A couple of days, or until l fall apart -
whichever comes first.
The girl has proven to be more...
difficult to crack than l anticipated.
Sweating her didn't do the trick, huh?
What a surprise.
Now l need one small favor from you.
And then you can go ahead
and take that nice, long dirt nap
that you've been pining for.
What do you want from me,
Stark, huh?
l just fucking betrayed her for you.
But you love that, don't you?
Watching what we do to each other.