Yeah, what the hell. I'm going after
the Mother-of-the-year award.
See, um...
- You know what I was thinking?
- No.
Maybe it's been...
57 years.
- What are you talking about?
- Halley's Comet, you know?
By the way, it's, uh...
76 years, but I'll give you
that one, smarty pants.
Can I come over?
- Now?
- Yeah, now.
- Did you hang up?
- Uh, not yet.
Good, then, um...
I'm coming over.
I am, so...
don't go hide
in the yard,
don't pull any
reciprocal crap.
Is that what you did that day?
You hid in the yard?
No, um...
You know what?
Delete that last line.
Look, um...
I'm coming over.
I am.
I'm coming now.
Hold it.
#Hold it! #
Wait, wait, wait.
- What is this?
- Your lunches.
- Our lunches?
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you kidding?
- I make my own lunch.
You haven't done
it in years.
I'm back to basics.
What do you want?
- Bye.
- Have a good day!