Tom yum goong

From the front door to the room
We have people on guard every ten meters
Uncle, I have already prepared everything
I hired the best cook in this town,
especially to make Pao Hue soup

For our other important guests to eat also
I hope that everyone will enjoy it, especially you Uncle
Eat up, so you will have good health
When you are in good health
You will continue to manage the business
of our family for a long time to come

You sure this is Pao Hue?
Not salty, doesn't smell good,
not sweet, tastes like a worm!

You all know worms?
Crawling creature that has
both sexes in a single body

You who can do anything?! What has happened to you, Rose?
You can't even take care of the taste of the food
How are you going to protect me?
My personal safety is now the concern of Cheun
Ever since her dad has been alive,
Cheun has taken care of this anyway

Her actions are considered as not respectful to others
All the people that we will be talking to
are representatives from the government
