- Really? A religious thing?
- No, it's not a religious thing. I just...
It was all right for Chaucer 600 years ago.
Hey! I don't want to embarrass you,
but I gotta do this.
I got someone here
who has a problem saying "fuck."
- (Southie) Hold on.
- (all) Fuck you!
(Brandon) Look at that.
A lot of brunettes.
Where are we headed?
We're gonna continue your education.
- Hi. Is this the meeting?
- Yes, yes. Come on in. Hi.
You'd think with two mortgages out,
the repo guys staking out my car,
my job on the line, and my wife
threatening to leave, that I'd stop,
instead of staying in the chase,
doubling down.
It's a disease, Leon.
Yeah, man. Look, admitting
you have a problem is the first step.
(woman) Yeah.
I guess I must be doing pretty good
because I've got one big problem.
- (man) Don't worry about it, Leon.
- It's OK, Leon.
- (woman) Hang in there, Leon.
- Hey.
My name is Walter
and I'm new to this group...
(all) Hey, Walter.
...but I am not new to these meetings.
I've been coming 18 years now.
As a matter of fact, friends,
this is my 936th consecutive meeting.
- (man) Hey, man, well done.
- (applause)
(Walter) Well done is right.
And in all that time I haven't once been
to a track or a casino or bet on a game.
Hand to God, not a cent.
So I know where you're coming from, Leon.
Believe me, I know. I heard your story,
and it's something I relate to,
but I gotta say, if I learned anything,
it's that gambling is not your problem.
- It's not?
- Not even close.
I don't know how to say this without
sounding rude, but you're a lemon, Leon.
Like a bad car, there is something
inherently defective in you.
And you. And you. And me.
And all of us in this room.
We're all lemons.
We look like everybody else,