In five, four...
- I'll do that.
...three, two...
Welcome to this week's Sports Advisors,
America's premier sports-information
program, with myself, Walter Abrams,
Jerry Sykes, Chuck Adler
and a truly gifted newcomer
to the Sports Advisorpanel.
I want you to meet him, a substantial find,
and his name is John Anthony.
OK, we're entering week six
in professional football.
This is when the cream rises to the top.
This is when things get hot.
This is oven-mitt time. Am I right?
This is big-time ball season.
So let's get right into it with the wizard
of odds, Jerry "The Source" Sykes. Jerry.
Stats, records, rankings, weather,
if the goalpost is tilted just a little bit...
The SYKES system
uses 42 proven indexes
to eliminate
the guesswork in sports wagering.
Without my patented
computer-based picks,
you got a better shot of having God
show up at your door with nine strippers,
a bag of pure Bolivian cocaine,
enough Viagra
to make Chuck's head blow off,
than picking these things on your own.
You call me absolutely free. I got five
picks this weekend that are incredible.
1-800-238-6648. Give me a call.
How many gamblers did I bail out
last weekend with my game of the year?
A 100-dollar bettor made $10,000.
A 500-dollar bettor made $50,000.
Well, I got six games on Sunday
that I'm releasing absolutely free.
These games are a burial,
a blowout, a human lock.
You can bet your children's unborn
children's children on these six games
absolutely free!
Whoa, whoa, I believe, I believe!
I believe you're trying to make me deaf.
I've never seen a color on a man like that.
Would you say that's chartreuse?
So Saturday comes before Sunday, and
looking at Saturday's college match-ups
is the last, but certainly not least,
member of the sports advisors.