- Take a guess how we did.
- I think we kicked ass.
- It was amazing.
- Yeah, last week was nothing, Walter.
You're right. It was nothing
compared to what we lost today.
What'd I go?
I got an idea. Why don't I give you
a glimpse of what happened,
and then you take a stab
on how you went?
Just give me the numbers.
You don't wanna play?
Too bad. Would've been fun.
Grown men crying on the phone.
Their wives screaming in the background.
Three salespeople quit -
couldn't take the pressure.
- Fuck.
- No, no, no.
You lose ten out of 12,
"fuck" doesn't quite cover it.
You know what would be more appropriate?
"Holy Fucking Shit!"
Or "Jesus Fucking Christ!"
- I got the picture, Walter.
- You're right.
You go two for 12
on our highest volume weekend ever,
what's left to say?
Except maybe
we keep the phone number,
only we switch it over
to a fucking suicide hotline.
Tomorrow morning, Brandon,
bright and early,
we start all over again.
- Mr. Novian wants to see you.
- Argh!
Tell him... to call me. Argh!
You tell him.
- I didn't recognize you without the suit.
- This is my time off.
If you want to talk, make an appointment.
Or should I call you Brandon?
Someone costs you 30 mill,
you do research, right?
I mean, I got more than your name now.