Two for the Money

Giants, with me! Over here with me!
This side, this side,

this side, right in front of me, right here.
Take a knee, take a knee, take a knee.
We got a tough team we're playing today,
y'all know that. Toughest on our schedule.

Now, most important thing
we're gonna do today is have fun.

I mean, have some serious fun.
We're gonna play loose and enjoy ourselves.

We're gonna play
this wonderful game of football.

- Do we wanna win?
- Yeah!

- What are we gonna do, play?
- Play!

- Huh?
- Play!

- Ah, let's go do it!
- (cheering and whooping)

What's going on, chief?
Coach, do you really think
we can win today?

I'd bet on it.
(# "All In All" by Lifehouse)
# Standing on the top of the edge
It feels like it's going down

# Everything stays in my mind
Feeling in a daze on the ground

# Feels like it's gonna give
Life's too hard to live anymore

# I think I've had enough
Things too tough

# I'm out the door
# All in all it'sjust another day
# Now you're falling down
what you gonna do?

# Standing on top of the world tonight
# No one's looking back at you
# Stand tall, it's going on, it's going on
# It's gonna bejust fine
# You're holding on, holding on today
# Things don't stop and the others
announced they're moving on
