
-I'm glad you made it.
-Sorry, I can't stay.

But you just walked in the door, man.
Yeah, I know, I know....
It's just, it's....
It's just not our scene.
Since when do you have a scene, man?
You gotta stay for my sax solo.

We can't. I've got a party in the hills
we need to go to.

If we get out early, I'll come back.
I've been trying to get
in touch with you all week.

I know. You're coming to
the Viper Room tomorrow, right?

I'll see you there.
Yeah. I don't really know if that's my scene.
You are so funny. I'll see you there.
This is living
This is living
There's Mick Benson!
You slept with him, didn't you?
No. We just messed around, but...
this is different. I thought I loved him.
-And now you don't?

I mean, maybe, yeah.

What the hell does that mean?
It means I'm mixed up.
Mick's been looking for you.
-I can handle Mick.
-Maybe I should FedEx you...

-some pepper spray.
-I'll be fine.

-I can handle him.
-It's not Mick that I'm worried about.

-You're not?
-I'm more worried about this Luke guy.

Carrie, I was the one who hit
the eject button on this, all right?

Really? Or was it more like pause?
Where are you gonna stay?
